How To Make (and Keep) New Year’s Resolutions

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Tip 1. Do what matters to YOU

It can be very easy in this time to get dragged into the hype of some of the most popular resolutions: lose or gain a certain amount of weight, learn a new hobby or skill, and to save more money. However, if you really take the time to reflect on this year, you might realize you don’t actually care about these things. Think about what has happened in your life this past year and what you actually want to change…or keep the same! 

Tip 2. Focus on what YOU can control, and be realistic!

It can get very easy to feel discouraged when it comes to trying to accomplish our goals for the new year. It might be better to make your goal a lesser amount. It might not sound as good, but being much more likely to complete it is a better motivator than something that feels impossibly far away.

Tip 3. Set SMART goals

SMART goals are goals that are Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. Stating your resolutions as SMART goals instead of abstract wishes can help ground them in reality, give you a sense of accomplishment with each success, and light a fire under you with a clear deadline. 

Tip 4. Have an accountabiliBUDDY

A great way to keep up with the goals you set for yourself that don’t have any built in consequences, is to add in the pressure of someone else knowing about it. Find a friend to hold you accountable for your resolutions, and you can do the same for them! A weekly check in and a disapproving frown when you’re not keeping up with yourself might be all you need to kick your goals into hyperdrive!

Tip 5. If you fail, then try and TRY AGAIN!

Did you know that 43% of people fail at their New Year’s resolutions before February? Most things worth having don’t come easily, so even if your first take isn’t perfect and you miss the mark, that doesn’t mean you should give up on making all future marks! Try again, adjust your SMART goal if needed, and don’t give up! Remember why this was important to you and keep your head up!